of concerts like these ...
It felt more intimate than seeing a concert at a huge hall because I was very close to where the music was coming from. It made you feel like you were almost a part of the act. I like that part the best.
The mosh pit was one of the worst I was ever in . . . people weren't just pushing and shoving, you had big haymakers coming at you. I was hit in the face a couple of times and ended up knocking somebody out too while I was in the pit.
Everybody always wants a good view, right under the singer's nose.
I'd have to say this was a relatively calm show for me because usually someone's bleeding during intermission. However, it was fun to watch the only two people dancing . . .
Hundreds of people come, pitch a lawn chair or blanket and listen to the music . . . I always joke that it was my version of Woodstock.
If you have ever been there on a Friday or Saturday night, you'd know that it's also the hang out spot for the not-so-cool kids.
At the end of the song, there is a famous "behind the masses" sing-along and when it came time for it. . .I sang, a group of people piled on top of me, they sang too.
I felt like a fish out of water with my American Eagle outfit and make up that wasn't hot pink and out of control.
Since I'm not from here, it made me go out and be with other people I don't know.
. . . it gets sort of dangerous. . . they run around kicking and swinging their arms around.
One good thing about the admission was there was a small buffet of food that was included. The food wasn't that good or warm but it was free so I won't really complain about it too much.
-a collection from student reviews over the years